
November 21, 2014

Gilbert Visual Art League 5 x 7 Show and Benefit Sale

I donated these eight paintings to the Gilbert Visual Art League (GVAL) for its 5 x7 mini show, held Nov. 15 on the lawn of Postino Wine Cafe in downtown Gilbert.  It was a sunny and moderately warm day in the mid 70s--a great day to be outdoors to view over 70 other paintings contributed by other fellow GVAL members.  Commissions from all sales went toward the guild's high school senior scholarship project and annual juried show.  Thank you to all patrons and visitors who stopped by and purchased art for a good cause.  If you didn't make it to this years show, look for the event next year.  It's a great opportunity to find one-of-a-kind pieces of original art and gifts for the holidays.  More of my art can be viewed on my website at



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